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[POPL'22] Induction Duality: Primal-Dual Search for Invariants
Induction Duality: Primal-Dual Search for Invariants (Teaser)
[POPL'22] Relational E-matching
[POPL'22] Certifying Derivation of State Machines from Coroutines
[POPL'22] TaDA Live: Compositional Reasoning for Termination of Fine-grained Concurrent Pr
[POPL'22] Verified Compilation of C Programs with a Nominal Memory Model
NSDI '21 - Finding Invariants of Distributed Systems: It's a Small (Enough) World After All
3billion year old alien artefact material
[POPL'22] Type-Level Programming with Match Types
Inductive Sequentialization of Asynchronous Programs
Bernd Schroers | The hidden geometry of magnetic skyrmions
ICFP 2020 Session NY 6